Words alone cannot convey some dimensions of one’s faith; words alone cannot bear how we experience our faith.
Charles Wesley once said, “Whoever sings, prays twice.” In hymns, anthems, bell choir ringing, and vocal/instrumental solos, words convey ideas—and singing/performing them bears those ideas experientially.

We offer multiple opportunities for Music and the Arts Ministries. Under the direction of our Director of Music Ministries, Cheryl Richardson, our musicians offer a wealth of experience to our music program, with service music blending “classics” with “contemporary” forms and styles of worship.
And perhaps we are inventing a new liturgical art form for our worship services: not only is our service aural—about words and speech—we integrate visual arts into our meditations, litanies, prayers, sermons, meditations—and sometimes, even music!
The Music and The Arts Committee works with the Director of Music and the Senior Pastor in planning music (including hymns, liturgical re sponses, preludes, postludes, and anthems, from Baroque to Oscar Peterson), sermons, “seasonal themes” in order to provide a well-balanced and meaningful worship service experiences.